Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

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Please note the applicant shall not commence any works or studies that are subject to a CIP application prior to receiving approval by the Municipality and prior to the execution of any applicable grant/loan agreement(s) by the applicant and the Municipality.


  • Applicants should arrange a pre-consultation meeting with the Economic Development Office, in order to discuss and confirm application requirements, program eligibility, the proposed scope of work, project timing, supporting documentation requirements, etc.  Contact to schedule a pre-consultation.

  • After the consultation, the applicant will be required to submit a completed application in addition to required supporting documentation.

  • A separate application should be submitted for each individually addressed property.

  • If additional supporting material or documentation is required, or becomes necessary during the processing of this application, the applicant will be contacted and informed prior to the application proceeding.

  • Once all the required forms and supporting materials are received, Town Staff will undertake a preliminary screening of the proposal and application.

  • Based on the application and proposal, the results of the preliminary screening, Town Staff may perform an initial site visit and inspection of the building/property, as necessary.

  • If the application clearly does not meet the program requirements, it will not be accepted.

  • If the application meets the program requirements, the application will move forward to the review/approval stage. Acceptance does not guarantee financial incentive approval, only that it will be reviewed by the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) for final financial approval.

  • Upon acceptance, a PAC meeting will be scheduled to review the application for approval purposes. The applicant will be notified whether the application was approved or declined within 48 hours of the meeting.

  • If the PAC sees fit to approve the application, the applicant will be required to enter into an agreement to receive approved funding. Once completed, the applicant will be eligible to receive approved funding, upon submission of required proof of expenses and payment.

  • If any questions arise, please contact the Economic Development Department.


Application Submission Requirements


Online Application Using this Form is Preferred

In-Person/Mail Submission:
Economic Development Department
Prescott Town Hall, 360 Dibble St. W P.O. Box 160, Prescott, Ontario, K0E 1T0


  • If the space provided is insufficient to respond to the question, please provide additional information on a separate page, with the subject question clearly indicated and attached to the application form. An additional information blank page is attached for use as required.

  • Please attach financial quotes, drawings or other required information as appropriate.

  • To ensure that the application is readable, please fill it out via the online form, and attach the signing page.

  • Please ensure the application signing page (pg 13) has been signed by the property owner or authorized agent and is properly commissioned.

  • Please keep a copy of the application for your records.



2f. Primary Contact for Application Purposes:
2g. Project Payment Recipient:


3d. Are property taxes for the subject property in arrears?
3e. Are there any outstanding orders registered against the subject property that won't be remedied as part of the works described within?
3f. Are there any outstanding violations under the Fire Code?
3g. Are any easements, restrictive covenants, right-of-way, or other registered agreements affecting the subject property?
3h. Has an application for planning approval and/or building permit, or any additional required permits, related to the community improvement works described within been submitted to date?
3n. Has the subject property received CIP grants or loans been previously?


Please place a checkmark next to the program(s) that you are applying for.

Refer to the CIP Program Guide for a listing of available CIP incentives, complete program details and eligibility criteria for each incentive area.

NOTE: Eligible applicants can apply for incentives offered under only ONE of the eligible CIP incentive areas, accept in cases of Brownfield Areas which can be applied for in conjunction with one additional incentive area. In cases where properties qualify under more than one CIP Project Area, the applicant must select only one to apply to, unless the preceding exception applies.

4a. Area 1 - Downtown/RiverWalk District
4b. Area 2 - Employment District
4c. Area 3 - Heritage District
4d. Area 4 - Brownfield District
4e. Area 5 - Residential District


5a. Did you schedule a pre-consultation meeting with Economic Development Dept. prior to applying?
5b. Is your property a designated heritage building?
5c. What is the current state of the building?
5e. Are you adding new commercial units?
5g. Are you rehabilitating existing commercial units?
5i. Are you adding new residential units?
5h. Are you rehabilitating existing residential units?
5o. If you plan to complete facade improvements, please specify to which part of the building you are making improvements.
5p. Are you intending to:


6a. CIP Area 1, 2 or 3: Planned Facade Improvements (check all applicable):
6c. CIP Area 1, 2, or 3: Planned Interior Commercial Improvements (check all applicable):
6e. CIP Area 1 or 3: Planned Interior Residential Improvements (check all applicable):
6g. CIP Area 1, 2 or 3: Streetscaping Improvements (check all applicable):
6i. CIP Area 4: Brownfield Improvements (check all applicable):
6k. CIP Area 5: New Residential Development (check all applicable):
6o. I verify that I have notified and received approval from the Owner of the Subject Property, to submit an application to the CIP program.



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