Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

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Please consult the Prescott Pop-ups Vendor Guide prior to completing this application. 
The Prescott Pop-Up application is a competitive process and the successful applicant will demonstrate their ability to meet the requirements of the Vendor Guide. Special attention will be given to applicants who demonstrate a plan to activate their Pop-Up Space above and beyond the requirements listed in this application and the Vendor Guide. Therefore, please include ALL relevent information, including any activation plans you have for the space.

Basic Information

Have you previously been a Prescott Pop-Ups vendor?
What type of Pop-Up Space are you interested in?

Vendor Requirements

Vendors are required to maintain minimum operating hours during the season. Please consult the chart below for the required operating hours.

Spring Season

May 16th to June 22nd

Summer Season

June 23rd to Sept 1st

Fall Season

Sept 2nd to Oct 12th

Standard Hours:

Friday: 3 pm - 7pm

Saturday - Sunday: 11 am - 7pm


Victoria Day: 11 am-7pm

Standard Hours:

Friday to Sunday: 11 am - 7pm

Canada Day: 11 am - 9pm

Civic Holiday: 11 am - 7pm

Standard Hours:

Saturday to Sunday:

11 am to 5 pm

 *Please ensure you have reviewed the updated 2025 Prescott Pop-Ups Vendor Application Guide prior to submitting your application for any additional requirements.


Operating Requirements

Aside from extreme weather conditions, health or personal emergencies, vendors are required to adhere to the terms of their rental agreement.  Any requested closures/changes to opening hours should be communicated via email to no less than 48 hours in advance.  Vendors deemed to be in default of their rental agreement will be subject to penalties, up to and including termination of tenancy.

Extreme weather includes sustained winds over 60 km/h, severe thunderstorms, temperatures above 40°C, localized flooding, tornado warnings, and air quality alerts. The decision to close will be made by Municipal staff to prioritize the safety of participants, vendors, and attendees, and will be communicated to vendors via email.

I commit to the above operating hours and terms (noted above) for the duration of my Pop-Up Rental, and I understand that failing to do so may result in the termination of my Agreement?
In addition to Canada Day, other events and activations will be held throughout the Pop-Ups season in Downtown Prescott. Are you willing to remain open for other occasional evening events, where appropriate?
Are you prepared to provide insurance coverage and, if applicable, WSIB coverage upon request?
I understand that failure to meet the minimum requirements outlined in the Vendor Guide, without approval, may result in penalty, including the potential termination of your Pop-Up Rental Agreement.


As tenants, vendors become representatives of the Town of Prescott and are expected to act as goodwill ambassadors for the Town when interacting with members of the public.  This includes verbal, written, video and digital interactions including but not limited to social media and website platforms.  Vendors shall agree to display provided community promotional materials and participate in marketing programs including the Prescott Proud Dollars initiative (materials to be provided upon occupancy).  Tenancy agreements may be terminated if vendors are deemed to be in violation of representation requirements.

Vendor Conduct/Feedback

Vendors at the Prescott Pop-Ups are expected to act professionally and respectfully at all times, adhering to all laws and event policies. Harassment, discrimination, disruptive behavior, abusive or offensive language, and the possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs or alcohol (outside of licensed areas) are strictly prohibited. Smoking, including vaping, is prohibited at the Prescott Pop-Ups. Vendors must ensure the safety and security of their booth setup and comply with guidelines for setup, operation, and teardown. Failure to meet these standards may result in the termination of your Vendor Agreement.

All vendor sales activities must be conducted in a professional manner, avoiding any form of aggressive sales tactics. Vendors should remain within their approved booth area and are prohibited from traveling throughout the Pop-Ups to sell products or services.

Vendors are expected to serve as community ambassadors, promoting amenities and materials to visitors using provided resources. Vendors should speak positively about the overall Pop-Ups operation when engaging with members of the public and fellow vendors

I understand that, as a Vendor, I am agreeing to the conditions outlined in the Vendor Guide (excerpted above) related to Representation and Vendor Conduct at the Prescott Pop-Ups for the duration of my tenancy.

Business Proposal

What is your business growth strategy?
Does your business currently operate from any other locations? Examples: brick & mortar locations in Prescott & other communities, trade/vendor shows/markets


Multi-year rental options may be available to interested vendors, on a case-by-case basis with time limitations in place. There is no automatic entitlement on the part of Vendors to renewal.  Vendors must reapply to the program each year, should a multi-year tenancy be desired.  Unless otherwise approved, the maximum multi-year tenancy for retail cottages shall be limited to two (2) years.


Allowed extensions pdf, jpg, jpeg, png


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx

Marketing & Activation

In addition to general Pop-Ups marketing done by the Town of Prescott, the Prescott Pop-Ups rely on the collective marketing efforts of participating businesses to promote the site as an attraction.

In this section, please outline your marketing plans for the season and demonstrate how you intend to draw additional visitors to the Prescott Pop-Ups.

Applications will be judged in part based on the applicant's marketing plan and its potential contribution to the overall appeal of the Pop-Ups.


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Vendors can sponsor complementary attractions/events at the Prescott Pop-Ups. Sponsorship would include an acknowledgement of your support during the event along with social media promotions. Would you be interested in sponsoring an event in 2025?
I understand that vendors must promote Pop-Ups on social media with specific hashtags and pages, run their own campaigns, and participate in promotions like themed days and raffles.

Downtown Prescott BIA Associate Membership

By virtue of their tenancy at the Prescott Pop-Ups, Seasonal and Monthly Vendors are Associate Members of the Downtown Prescott BIA. Associate Membership entitles seasonal vendors to participate in Downtown Prescott promotions, allows vendors to sit on temporary working groups of the BIA, helps foster further connections with the traditional downtown core. As Associate Members, seasonal vendors are expected to support the mission of the Downtown Prescott BIA to promote the Downtown as a visitor destination. The monthly Associate Membership fee ($25) is included in the monthly rental rate for all seasonal vendors.

NOTE: Associate Members are NOT voting members of the Downtown Prescott BIA. 

I understand that, if approved as a Monthly or Seasonal Vendor, I will be an Associate Member of the Downtown Prescott BIA for the duration of the term.

Final Questions


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

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